PR Work

The Institute for the History of Frankfurt offers a wide range of facilities to study the history of the city. The key function of our PR Unit is to provide transparent information about the work of the Institute and our broad spectrum of available options. The unit does so directly – via Twitter, a calendar of events, posters, flyers, mailing campaigns and a website – and also through the press and specific events.


The Institute keeps in touch with editors and journalists through regular press releases about events, publications and other news of our archives. This includes press conferences on suitable major occasions, e.g. to highlight the acquisition of unusual items for the archives, to open an exhibition or to issue a new publication. If you are a journalist and you are interested, click here to obtain accreditation, so that we can send you details of future press conferences and invitations. Sometimes we enter into a media partnership for a given exhibition as a way of ensuring more intensive media coverage, for instance through a series of reports on various outstanding items in our archives. However, our PR Unit is also available for individual media enquiries. Where appropriate, we will pass on enquiries to the relevant archivists. Furthermore, our PR workers write articles on specific personalities, projects and archived material for professional magazines such as Archivnachrichten (Archive News, in the state of Hesse) and coordinate the publication of articles written by members of the Institute.


The PR Unit makes sure we are represented at suitable events and provides on-site support in cases where we can reach a wide audience, e.g. At the Day of Archives, the Open Day at the Römer, the Museum Embankment Festival, the Night of Museums, the Luminale Exhibition, the Hessian Day and other special occasions. In addition, the Institute for the History of Frankfurt conducts its own series of events, designed to provide historical and political education, e.g. a literature reading event called Frankfurt-er-lesen, a storytelling event entitled Frankfurter Erzählcafé and numerous public presentations. If you are interested in our series of events, do please join our , so that we can keep you posted.

Media monitoring

Our PR work includes the monitoring of media, so that we can maintain an overview of the Institute’s impact and the effectiveness of our media relations. Moreover, staff are given information about the presentation of our work in the media.

Promotional material

All the Institute’s promotional material – from a calendar of events to posters – is thoroughly checked by our PR Unit. This includes ensuring the correct use of our corporate design and collaborating on the actual realisation with designers, printers and other partners.